Sparky APTus Extra 0.1.14

Last Updated on: 2nd June 2015, 01:59 pm


Sparky APTus Extra – our tool which lets you quick install many extra applications, has been upgraded up to version 0.1.14.

– added script which can install Google-Earth application version 6 for older machines and version 7 for modern machines. The script can download the package from 3th party servers and install it on your machine
– added option to install your favorite office suite, using one of the Sparky APTus (v0.2.11 or above) scripts

If you find anything abnormal, report it at our forums, please.


2 thoughts on “Sparky APTus Extra 0.1.14”

  1. Hi, Pavroo !

    It’s great job.
    But can you tel me the probable date of releasing of the final Sparky 4.0 (especially I1m interested in Xfce and Enlightenment versions). I’m waiting for it very curiously. (Sorry for my impatience. I know you wok hard and almost single. But if I knew this date, I wouldn’t disturb you with such questions. )

    • Hi
      Honestly Sparky 4 is ready to go, but still waiting for newer kernel 4.x from Debian.
      So I don’t really know when it happens 🙁


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