Sparky APTus 0.2.10-1

Last Updated on: 20th May 2015, 02:20 pm


There is a new version of Sparky APTus 0.2.10-1 available in our repos.

– added ‘Remove VirtualBox Guest Utils’ option – Sparky 4.0 will be shipped with VBox Guest Utils package preinstaled, so this new script lets you quick uninstall the VBox Guest Utils package. Do not uninstall it if Sparky will be installed inside the VirtualBox
– added ‘Install Liquorix Kernel’ – lets you install the latest Linux Kernel from the Liquorix repository
– added ‘Install Office Suite’ – lets you quick install one of the office packages:
* AbiWord & Gnumeric
* Calligra
* LibreOffice
* OpenOffice
* Kingsoft WPS Office + WPS fonts

Report on our forums any abnormal work of the new scripts.


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