Sparky APTus

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 03:39 pm

Sparky APTus is a small, simply and lightweight front-end for “apt-get” and “dpkg” tools.
It can be used for upgrading, installing, removing packages and cleaning up the system.

The application can do:

– Update – update package list
– Upgrade – safely system upgrading
– Dist_Upgrade – full system upgrading – recommended way to keep Sparky up to date

– Quick_Install – install a package/packages from the repository
– Quick_Install_DEB – install “.deb” package from a local disk with all the dependencies
– Language – install missing language packages

– Quick_Remove – remove selected package/packages from the system with all the dependencies
– Old_Kernel_Remove – this will remove old, non-active system kernel (if any)
– NonFree_Remove – this will remove Non-Free and Restricted packages from the system (if any)

– Fix_Broken_DPKG – Check by DPKG broken packages not installed/upgraded correctly
– Fix_Broken_APT – Check by APT broken packages not installed/upgraded correctly

– Autoremove – unnecessary packages removing
– Autoclean – old versions of “.deb” packages removing
– Clean – all downloaded “.deb” packages removing.

– Edit main (Debian testing) repository
– Edit other repositories

It can be installed from our repository.
For Debian and Ubuntu based distributions check: sparky-aptus-on-debian-and-ubuntu

2 thoughts on “Sparky APTus”

  1. Can i install APTus in other Debian distro? Is there any ppa for APTus? APTus is a very fine inteface for a bunch of essential linux commands. Many friends of mine are using Ubuntu derivates (security freaks!!!!), but are afraid of the Terminal. Could i install APTus on Ubuntu? and how!


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