Sparky 5.7 Special Editions

New live/install iso images of SparkyLinux 5.7 “Nibiru” special editions: GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue are available to download. Sparky 5 follows rolling release model and is based on Debian testing “Buster”.

The latest iso images follow changes implemented at the Sparky 5.7, and offer additional small changes, such as:
– system updated from Debian testing repos as of March 11, 2019
– a password strength in Calamares installer changed from 8 to 6 signs (minimum)
– torrent files use the DistroWatch tracker as default now (thank’s a lot), but can be found at LinuxTracker service too, as before

System reinstallation is not required. If you have Sparky 5.x installed, simply make full system upgrade to be working in the latest version.

New iso images can be downloaded from download/rolling page.

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