Sparky 5.6

There are new live/install iso images of SparkyLinux 5.6 “Nibiru” available to download. This it the 4th and the last this year iso image update of the rolling line, which is based on Debian testing “Buster”.

– system updated from Debian testing repos as of December 16, 2018
– Linux kernel 4.19.9 (4.19.10 & 4.20-rc7 available at Sparky “unstable” repos)
– the Calamares installer 3.2.1
– many small fixes

Changes of small window managers configuration (can be installed via Minimal iso images or APTus):
– a previous sound applet changed by pnmixer
– PCManFM file manager changed by Thunar
– added packages: xfce4-notifyd, xfce4-power-manager, sparky-fileopen
– thunar daemon is enabled as default

32 bit iso images are shipped with Linux kernel i686-pae now. If you have an old machine with 32 non-pae CPU – I recommend to use Sparky stable i686.
System reinstallation is not required. If you have Sparky 5.x installed, simply make full system upgrade to be working in the latest version.

New iso images can be downloaded from download/rolling page.

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