Sparky 5.5 dev20180726

Last Updated on: 27th July 2018, 04:54 pm

There are new testing iso images of SparkyLinux 5.5-dev20180726 available to download.
Sparky 5 follows rolling release model and is based on Debian testing “Buster”.

ISO images of Sparky 5.5-dev20180726 provide new features to be tested which will be available in the next Sparky release.

– system update from Debian testing repos as of July 26, 2018
– Linux kernel 4.17.8 (4.17.10-sparky is available in Sparky “unstable” repo)
– older Linux kernel 4.16.12 is available from live media as well, which can be used in a case of any problem with the newest one
– added support of btrfs & xfs file systems in Advanced Installer – installation on btrfs installs the system in subvolumes: @ and @home; choosing a separate partition for home makes the @home subvolume as well; it lets you make a snapshot of your system partitions via the btrfs utility or via TimeShift appliacation and lets you recovery them later
– added new tool: TimeShift
– added new, own tool: DEBiTool, which replaced GDebi and can be used for installing deb packages from a local drive
– improved configuration of removing live packages in Advanced Installer; sudo package is not removed now if you install Sparky using minimalcli iso image

The live system uses Linux kernel 4.17.x as default.
If you would like to boot the live system using an older kernel of the 4.16.x line, edit the live boot list and change:
'vmlinuz' to 'vmlinuz416'
'initrd.img' to 'initrd416.img'

New development iso images can be downloaded from download/devlopment page.
The iso images are a little bigger than before – every one features 2 Linux kernels.

Please test it and report whatever you find.


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