Sparky 4.6 STB

Last Updated on: 20th February 2018, 11:27 pm

There are new live/install iso images of SparkyLinux 4.6-STB “Tyche” available to download.

This is the first Sparky edition based on Debian stable line 9 codename “Stretch”.

Sparky “Home” edition provides fully featured operating system with two lightweight desktops: LXDE and Xfce.

Sparky MinimalGUI and MinimalCLI lets you install the base system with a minimal set of applications and a desktop of your choice, via the Sparky Advanced Installer.

Changes between version 4.5 and 4.6-STB:
– full system upgrade from Debian 9 stable repos as of June 19, 2017
– Linux kernel 4.9.30 as default (4.10.x and 4.11.x available in Sparky ‘unstable’ repo)
– added new repo (not active):
– deep cleaning from old packages and files of older releases
– email client Icedove replaced by Thunderbird
– changed http to https protocol of all Sparky services, including repository; updating the ‘sparky-apt’ package fixes it automatically
– new theme “Sparky5” which fixes look of gtk+ based applications
– added two new live system boot options:
1. toram – lets you load the whole live system into RAM memory (if you have enough);
2. text mode – if any problem with normal or failsafe boot, this option runs sparky in text mode and lets you install it using the advanced installer
– new tool for checking and displaying notification on your desktop about available updates
– Calamares 3.1 as default installer

Sparky edition based on the Openbox window manager (MinimalGUI) has gotten 3 key shortcuts:
– Super+t (terminal) -> terminal emulator
– Super+r (run) -> gexec
– Super+q (quit) -> logout window

You can transform your existing installation of Sparky 4.x based on Debian testing “Stretch” to based on Debian stable “Stretch”, see ho to: switch-sparky-testing-to-stable

To make fresh installation of Sparky 4.6 based on Debian stable “Stretch” use new iso images with the “STB” in the name: download/stable

If you have and prefer Sparky based on Debian “testing” line – simply keep it up to date.

Donate Sparky or buy an entry in our Web Dir (for only 5 Euros) to help keeping it alive.


7 thoughts on “Sparky 4.6 STB”

  1. Nice, but since months no new updates for the testing/ unstable branch. Is the development dead?

    • Of course not. Previous Debian testing “Stretch” was the last 6 month frozen, so waiting for new packages versions from sid now.

      • Thank You. And thumbs up for your good work. Did not know, that the freezing takes so long.


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