Sparky 4.5.4 MinimalGUI/CLI

Last Updated on: 5th September 2021, 11:38 am

There is a minor update of Sparky MinimalGUI and MinimalCLI 4.5.4.

Sparky “Full (Home)” editions are installed as they are, with no need of updating or installing extra packages from the repositories.

MinimalGUI and MinimalCLI editions are shipped with current versions of packages, but they are current when the iso images were built only. After a week, month, and so the base system is out of date. It is not a problem until you’d like to install different desktop via Sparky Advanced Installer.

The point is, sometimes, installing new versions of some packages on the top of older version of base system can make problems…

Our community member reported such issue installing Enlightenment via MinimalGUI iso. The older version of systemd did not want to run just installed connman service, so the internet connection couldn’t be done automatically.

I posted on our forums, how to fix it manually, but it is temporary solution:
So, looks like the Minimal iso images should be updated much often then the Full Editions, I think…

Anyway, the new iso images of Sparky 4.5.4 Minimal provide all packages updated as of February 22, 2017, Debian’s Linux kernel 4.9 (Sparky’s 4.10 is ready in our repos), and some small improvements.

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