Sparky 2022.07

Last Updated on: 6th October 2022, 10:48 am

New iso images of Sparky 2022.07 of the (semi-)rolling are ready to go.

Changes between Sparky 2022.04 and 2022.07:
– all packages upgraded from Debian & Sparky testing repos as of July 5, 2022
– Linux kernel 5.18.5 (5.18.9 & 5.15.52-LTS in sparky unstable repos)
– Added new packages to iso images: nala, hypnotix, zstd, onboard
– ‘sparky-upgrade’ cli tool uses ‘nala’ instead of ‘apt’ now, if nala is installed
– Python 3.10.4 as default; Python 3.9 has been removed
– Calamares 3.2.60
– Firefox 102.0.1
– Thunderbird 91.10.0
– GRUB 2.06
– VLC 3.0.17
– Openbox 3.6.1
– LXQt 0.16.0
– MATE 1.26.0
– Xfce 4.16
– KDE Plasma 5.24.5
– GRUB 2.06 doesn’t detect other operating systems as default; so added an option to GRUB config: ‘GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false’ do make os-prober working back
– removed Kopete from KDE spin; added KDE Telepathy
– removed Kopete from LXQt spin; added Pidgin
– Onboard virtual keyboard replaced the old package Florence

Fixed bittorrent files, can be used with Transmission now again.
There is a new Sparky community launched on Mastodon.
Hypnotix & Nala are 2 packages have been suggested by our community members.

No reinstallation is required if you have Sparky rolling installed, simply keep it up to date; via the command:

New iso images of the rolling line can be downloaded from download/rolling page.

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