Rocket.Chat Desktop

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:24 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Rocket.Chat Desktop

What is Rocket.Chat?

Rocket.Chat is a reliable communication platform for high-private team chatting and collaboration. Highly scalable, our solution increases business efficiency by bringing messages, video calls, file sharing and all team communication into one place.
Desktop application for Rocket.Chat is available for macOS, Windows and Linux using Electron.

– Team Collaboration
– Remote Work
– Multi-platform
– Highly Configurable
– File sharing
– Tex Math rendering
– Video conferencing
– Screen sharing
– Multiple Integrations

Installation (Sparky 5 & 6 amd64):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install rocketchat

or via APTus -> IM -> Rocket.Chat icon.

License: MIT


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