Raven Reader

Last Updated on: 24th March 2022, 05:12 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Raven Reader

What is Raven Reader?

Raven is a open source desktop news reader with flexible settings to optimize your experience. No login is required, and no personal data is collected.

– Full Article Read
– Subscribing to news feed
– Marking as read/unread
– Marking as favourite
– Dark mode
– Configurable cron job for refresh interval of feeds
– Minimize app to tray and run in background
– Open article link in external browser
– Responsive
– Exporting feed in OPML format
– Importing feeds
– Windows support
– Linux support
– Offline reading
– Keyboard Shortcuts
– Sidebar count
– Text size configuration
– Text font style configuration (Currently has Playfair Display, Muli, Open Sans and Roboto Slab)
– Supports categorizing of the feeds.
– macOS touchbar shortcuts
– Integration with read it later apps: Pocket, Instapaper
– Podcast support. Subscribe to podcast rss feed and listen within app.
– Accessibility Friendly
– Feedbin integration (Folders are WIP)
– Inoreader integration
– Google Reader API support. Supports self hosted RSS Services like FreshRSS.org etc. (Folders are WIP)
– Support for subscribing Youtube channels and viewing within app.
– Flexible resizing of columns/panes

Installation (Sparky 6 & 7 amd64):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install raven-reader

License: MIT
Web: github.com/hello-efficiency-inc/raven-reader

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