Linux kernel 4.17.0

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 11:51 pm

The first version of Linux kernel of the new 4.17 line – 4.17.0 just landed in Sparky “unstable” repository.

– amd64 – build and installation OK – uploaded
– 686-pae – build and installation OK, but freeze all my graphical desktops down – uploaded anyway so you can test it too
– 686 (non-pae) – build failed

The Sparky’s Linux kernel is available in Sparky “unstable” repository, so enabled it to upgrade (if you have older version already installed) or to make fresh installation:

Follow the Wiki page: to install the latest Sparky’s Linux kernel.

Then reboot your machine to take effects.

To quick remove older version of the Linux kernel, simply run APTus-> Remove-> Uninstall Old Kernel tool.

1 thought on “Linux kernel 4.17.0”

  1. I’m having a problem with 4.17 kernels, not just Sparky, also the kernel from siduction (towo), the kernel from the experimental Debian branch … applied the patch …
    so far so good 🙂


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