How to install new package?

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 11:53 am

You can do it in a few different ways:

1. Synaptic
a. Open Menu-> Applications-> Administration-> Synaptic Package Manager
b. Click “Reload” button first, then “Mark All Upgrades”
c. Click “Search” button and type a name of a package then “Mark it for installation”
d. Click “Apply” button


2. Text console

a. Run text console and type:

password for root:
apt-get update

b. To find a package you request:
apt-cache search package-name

c. Install it:
apt-get install package-name

3. GDebi (package.deb)

If you downloaded a new package named “package.deb” from the network you can simple install it with double click. It will help you to install “.deb” packages with automatic dependency resolution (it automatically downloads and installs the required packages).

4. Text console (package.deb)

If you downloaded a new package named “package.deb” from the network you can install it in a text console:
password for root
dpkg -i /patch-to/package.deb

Remember that, it will not automatically downloads and installs the required packages, so try:
apt-get -f install

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