Gis Weather

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:25 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Gis Weather

What is Gis Weather?

Gis Weather is an open-source desktop weather widget and indicator applet with highly customizable user interface. Gis Weather is written in Python 3 with GTK+ 3.

– View weather for several days
– Detailed weather forecast for today and tomorrow
– Fast switching between cities
– Select the background and theme weather icons
– “Compass” with the wind direction, with adjustable angle of rotation
– Highlighting the high wind
– Support weather services:,,
– Support SVG and widget scale
– Indicator to panel
– Presets


sudo apt update
sudo apt install gis-weather

Author: Alexander Koltsov
License: ? (open-source)


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