
Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 12:54 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Filmulator

What is Filmulator?

Filmulator is a raw photo editing application with library management focusing on: simplicity over flexibility, ease of learning and streamlined workflow.

Filmulator accepts raw files from cameras and simulates the development of film as if exposed to the same light as the camera’s sensor. This brings about several benefits:
– Large bright regions become darker, compressing the output dynamic range.
– Small bright regions make their surroundings darker, enhancing local contrast.
– In bright regions, saturation is enhanced, helping retain color in bright skies, brighter skin tones, and sunsets.
– In extremely saturated regions, the brightness is attenuated, helping retain detail e.g. in flowers.

What is Filmulator-GUI?

A Qt Quick GUI adaptation of Filmulator – a film emulator with all of the positives and none of the negatives.

The program’s design ideology is to have the best tool for any job, and only that one tool. The tradeoff here is a slight decrease in flexibility, but gaining a greatly simplified and streamlined user interface.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install filmulator-gui

or via APTus -> Graphics-> Filmulator icon.

Copyright ©2014 Omer Mano and Carlo Vaccari
License: GNU General Public License v3.0


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