Enlightenment 0.19.7

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 03:53 pm

There is a new version of Enlightenment 0.19.7 available in our repository.

New ‘deb’ packages of Enlightenment 0.19.7 have been built from the project’s git repository and features:
– Enlightenment 0.19.7 (
– EFL 1.15.0
– Elementary 1.15.0
– Terminology 0.8

Sparky and Debian ‘testing’ users can upgrade their e19 installations as usually:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Check out:
apt-get install -f
Then reboot your machine.


1 thought on “Enlightenment 0.19.7”

  1. Hi,

    i would appreciate it if you added –no-install-recommends to the dist-upgrade and install lines.
    The last 15 minutes i had to spend weeding out again about 2 dozen :i386 libs that were installed without anything depending on them.

    — rollinbeaver


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