Desura Installer 0.1.3

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 02:18 pm

Keep cleaning my tools I have updated On-Line Installer of Desura Client for Linux up to version 0.1.3.

32 bit version works fine, but the 64 bit version doesn’t.
The 64 bit version of Desura client did not want to work on my machine out of the box.

1. If you can’t run it in a normal way (a desktop icon), run in a terminal emulator and check for errors:
sh /opt/desura/desura
The output from my machine said:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
To solve the problem install ‘libboost1.54-all-dev’ package and all its libs from Sid repository.

After that I could launch Desura via command line, but not via the desktop icon.

2. To fix the desktop launcher, edit the desura.desktop file by a text editor:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Game Manager
Comment=Download and play the best games
Exec=/opt/desura %U

and change the 3 lines for the new ones:
Exec=/opt/desura/desura %U

3. The 3th problem I saw is about downloading and installing the client from the project server.
After downloading and installing the script started the same procedure again and again.
It means it did not stop/close the process/window itself.
Just after installing/updating the client I stopped the process via Cancel button.

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