Teams & Rainlendar2-lite

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:23 pm

There are 2 new applications available for Sparkers: Teams & Rainlendar2-lite

What is Teams?

Microsoft Teams for Linux is your chat-centered workspace in Office 365. Instantly access all your team’s content from a single place where messages, files, people and tools live together. This is a preview version, so bear with us while we do some fine-tuning.

Installation (Sparky 6 & 7 amd64):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install teams

or via APTus AppCenter-> Network-> Communication

By downloading this app, you agree to the license and privacy terms (see
To learn more, please visit

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What is Rainlendar2-lite?

Rainlendar is a customizable calendar application which stays out of your way but keeps all your important events and tasks always visible on your desktop.

Installation (Sparky 6 & 7 amd64):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install rainlendar2-lite

or via APTus AppCenter-> Office-> Others

Copyright: Kimmo Pekkola

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