
Paweł ‘pavroo’ Pijanowski – founder, developer, repo holder, Sparky tools creator & iso builder

Community members help with many different tasks; for privacy reason, I can publish nick names only. In alphabetical order:
Capitan Jack
The Black Pig
And Sparky tools translators – you can find their names at locale files at our Wiki.

If you’d like you can join our community to help making SparkyLinux better than it is now.
How can you help:
1. Test Live version, install it on your hard (or virtual) drive and report bugs.
2. Find solutions for existing problems or check to do list (at sourceforge).
3. Suggest your own improvements / changes.
4. Translate Sparky tools to your language (see Wiki page for details).
5. Help our community members at our forums.
6. Tell your friends about Linux and SparkyLinux.

44 thoughts on “Team”

  1. Im getting tracker errors while trying to download the isos to my bittorrent server. FYI. Any ideas?

  2. Hi,

    I would like to help you with this project. I use linux since 5-6 ago and I think that it is a very nice distro with some interesting ideas. I have programming knowledge in this languages:

    * C++
    * Java
    * Python

    I know the OOP, pointers(C++), referencies (C++), abstract class, list, files, exceptions, socket, etc. I learned all in Internet (youtube, and other webs)
    I can also help like Beta-Tester.

    Yours sincerely,

  3. Dzieki za odpowiedz.

    Core to bardziej kojarzy mi sie z sama konsola (chociaz tez moglaby byc). Mam bardziej na mysli wersje ze srodowiskiem graficznym (Sparky Look&Feel) + terminal, jakis notatnik itp. male programiki (moze jeszcze jakas przegladarka i program pocztowy), reszta bylaby instalowana wedlug potrzeb przez uzytkownika. Osobiscie lubie male dystrybucje. Takie DVD to zjada mi caly zapas bonusowych GB.

    • Próbowałem ale mija się z celem. Sam system podstawowy + wszystkie dodatkowe sterowniki + lxde lub openbox to ponad 900 mb iso. Więc Core będzie bez całkowicie x-ów.

  4. Witam!

    Fajnie, ze jest jeszcze jakas “zyjaca” polska distrybucja. Znacie jakies inne polskie dystrybucje, ktore sa ciagle rozwijane?

    Na koniec pytanie.

    Nie daloby sie zrobic wersji minimal lub base, tak do 256mb?

    • Są inne, trzeba tylko poszperać na polskich forach. Wersja core? Nasłuchuj na kanale rss 🙂

  5. @ Alfredo
    I think you have run Sparky 2.0 from USB, have you? I suggest to try it from DVD instead of USB.

  6. Hello just downloaded eris basic to my hard drive. Having a bit of a problem with the internet access, and yes the computer is connected to the internet modem. Please help. Thanks

  7. Hi Paul. Thank’s for your nice words. I wish to make fluxbox lite 2.x version, but I don’t have time now. But… I’ll think about it and I’ll see what I can do next month.

  8. Hi. I love the 2.0 however I have an older pc and it was a bit sluggish. i had to revert to 1.0. I love getting a fresh install and watching a new system fly on my older 2006 pc. 1.0 was awesome. I am just wondering if you guys are continuing making the lite versions cause that is the 1.0 i was using. I would love to see 2.0 lite or also 3.0 lite when you finally get it ready. can’t wait if you could bring these editions back. I love the idea of lite versions leaving the end user to install what they want. this is great for using for gaming or anything to make sure that the cpu/ram resources are kept at a minimum. also e17 is awesome and they finally have their final release. again great job. i see it is catching on

  9. @Nicholas
    Thank’s, I have added ‘How to help’ on this page.
    I’ll rebuild FAQ section first and I’ll put my doing list at sourceforge after so it’ll be clear what’s to do now. If you have your own ideas don’t hesitate and write it down, please.


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