
Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 12:48 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: TagSpaces

What is TagSpaces?

TagSpaces is a free, non-locking, open source application for organizing and managing your local files with the help of tags. It features note taking and some to-do app capabilities. The application is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Android. We provide a web clipper extension for Firefox and Chrome for easy collecting of online content as local files.

Main features:
– File and folder management – TagSpaces provides a convenient user interface for browsing, viewing and man files and folders.
– File tagging – The application supports two ways for tagging files. The default one embeds the tags directly in the name of the file, the other one uses a so called sidecar files for persisting the tags.
– Searching – The search functionality supports fussy functionality and can filter your locations for files and folders containing one or more tags
– Browser for local content – TagSpaces can be used just as browser for your local photos or navigation thought your local ebook library
– Media player – It supports playing for common audio and video files types and has integrated basic media player functionalities.
– No-Cloud: TagSpaces is running completely offline and serverless on your laptop, desktop or tablet and does not require an internet connection and any kind of online registration or service provider.
– Note Taking – you can create and edit notes in plain text, markdown and html file formats
– To-Do Management – with the help of the build in HTML editor you are able to create simple todo lists in every HTML file.
– Cross-platform: TagSpaces runs on Windows, Linux, Mac and Android
– Web Clipper for saving web pages and screenshots from your browsers is also available as extension for Firefox and Chrome.

Installation (Sparky 5 & 6 amd64):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tagspaces

License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Web: github.com/tagspaces/tagspaces


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