Sparky news 2021/04

The 4th monthly Sparky project and donate report of 2021: – Linux kernel updated up to version 5.12.0 – added to repos: Ventoy, Yad based Ventoy-GUI, Sunflower twin panel’s file manager, Google Messages for Desktop, Rocket.Chat Desktop, ProtonMail Bridge, uGet Integrator, KGet Integrator – some preps to a next point release 5.15 “Nibiru” Many thanks … Read more

Sparky news 2021/02

The second monthly Sparky project and donate report of 2021: * Linux kernel updated up to version 5.11.2 & 5.12-rc1 * added to repos: Gomux Matrix cli client, Tutanota Desktop email client, Kopete IM (Sparky 6), Amarok music player 2.9.71 (Sparky 6) * Sparky 5.14 of the stable line released * 2 repo mirrors have … Read more

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