Games screenshots 2.0.1
BillardGL Brutal Chess Battle Tanks Desura FlightGear PlayOnLinux Snake4 Steam Tennix Super Tux Racer Xmoto Back to -> Screenshots main page
BillardGL Brutal Chess Battle Tanks Desura FlightGear PlayOnLinux Snake4 Steam Tennix Super Tux Racer Xmoto Back to -> Screenshots main page
2.0.1 “GameOver” LXDE 2.0.1 “GameOver” LightDM 2.0.1 “GameOver” Games Menu
I have added BitTorrnet file at Downloade page, but… I have really limited access to the internet in this moment. I can seed night times only using my friend laptop. So, if you have downloaded it, please seed. If you not downloaded yet… wait for me next night 🙂 pavroo
No, it’s not the end of the project. It’s brand new release. This idea was waiting at my Tomboy for the whole, round year 🙂 Finally I got back to work for it and after 3 weeks about it’s ready to go. SparkyLinux 2.0.1 ‘GameOver’ is a special Christmas/New Year edition of 2012. It has … Read more