How to run Sparkylinux on “old” computers without a DVD drive

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:31 pm

SparkyLinux is available as a DVD iso file, so it can’t be run on very old machines which don’t have:
– optical DVD drive
– BIOS option for booting systems from USB drive

But there is a simple solution, if your computer has:
– optical CD or floppy drive
– USB port

The instruction can be used for most Linux distributions.

1. Copy SparkyLinux iso image using “Unetbootin” or “dd” command on USB flash drive:
– 2GB USB pendrive for “Eris” edition
– 4GB USB pendrive for “GameOver” edition

2a. Download and burn Plop Linux “Standard version” iso image on blank CD.
2b. Download (from the project page) and extract “” archive.
Burn the “plpbt.iso” image which you can find inside the new created folder “plpbt”.
2c. Download and extract “” archive.
On Linux hosts copy “plpbt.img” image on floppy disk using “dd” command:
dd if=plpbt.img of=/dev/fd0

On MS Windows hosts copy “plpbt.img” image on floppy disk using WinImage or RawWriteWin.

3. Reboot your machine, put USB SparkyLinux disk in the USB port, put CD/floppy disk in (with Plop).
Go to BIOS, choose CD/Floppy disk as the first booting option.

4. The Plop will start as first, choose “Plop Boot Manager”.


5. Choose a drive with SparkyLinux (USB).


6. It will start SparkyLinux.

SparkyLinux 2.x boot menu

Now you can test Live system and install SparkyLinux on a hard drive.

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