SparkyLinux 2.1 rc Ultra Edition

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 07:16 pm

New year and new challenges.
One of them I just realized 🙂
SparkyLinux 2.1 rc “Eris” Ultra Edition has been released.
It’s well known SparkyLinux 2.0 “Eris” but with new, ultra lightweight two desktops: Fluxbox and Openbox.
SparkyLinux e17/LXDE is light for sure, but the “Ultra” Edition is even lighter.

All SparkyLinux releases 2.x code name “Eris” have been built on Debian testing branch “Wheezy” packages. SparkyLinux 2.1 rc “Eris” Ultra has been synchronized with Debian testing repositories of 08/01/2013.

The System is equipped with a similar set of programs as the main edition (e17/LXDE) and is designed for older computers.

A few applications I changed to the lighter ones, which will affect the operation of the system, such as:
– LibreOffice -> Abiword & Gnumeric
– Icedove -> Claws-mail
– Iceweasel -> Chromium
– Evince -> Xpdf
– Lxterminal -> Xterm
– Brasero -> Xfburn

Both desktops have been “slightly” modified.
Fluxbox has gotten only a small facelift – I wanted to keep its minimal consumption of power.
Openbox (recently my favorite) has been “much more customized”, while maintaining a good balance between functionality and lightness. I’ve added some interesting scripts to the menu, so working on Openbox should be easy like on “bigger” desktops.

I have made a few own tests with Sparky “Ultra” on virtual machine, hard drive and DVD Live mode.
SparkyLinux Ultra Edition uses approximately:
– CPU 150-200 Mhz
– RAM 70 MB

Minimum hardware requirements for “Ultra Edition” is:
– CPU i386
– RAM memory 256 MB
– SWAP partition 512 MB
– DVD drive or USB Flash Disk
– for hard drive installation 5GB of disk space (minimum) – 10GB recommended

To change between Live system desktops, logout and login back:
user: live
password: live
Root password is blank.
If you have to work as superuser, use “sudo” (with no password):
sudo app-name

sudo su

To install SparkyLinux on hard drive, run “SparkyLinux hard drive installer” icon (with GUI) placed at “home” directory. To run text mode installer, type:
sudo sparkylinux-installer

Test SparkyLinux and report any bug please.

If you downloading via BitTorrent, please seed – I have limited access to the network.

ISO images of SparkyLinux can be downloaded from our download page.

Informacja o wydaniu w języku polskim ->

2 thoughts on “SparkyLinux 2.1 rc Ultra Edition”

    • I’d like to, but I don’t have enough space left on my hard drive. It’s a big problem now 🙁


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