Sparky kernel builder

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 12:21 am

There is a new tool available in Sparky’s git repos: Sparky Kernel Builder.

The script easy the Linux kernel building process, if you would like to do yourself.

The script downloads the kernel sources from, untar it, lets you make changes in its configuration, and builds debs and source packages.

It can be downloaded from Sparky’s github repos.

grep coreutils pwd make bash xz-utils tar fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev libssl-dev bc kernel-package wget iputils-ping gawk

You need 15 GB of free space to make one build.
Make the script executable: chmod +x sparky-kernel-builder
Run the script (as a regular user):

Then have a cup of long coffee or so…

Don’t hesitate to improve it and let me know if you did it, please.

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