Sparky Dist Upgrade script

Last Updated on: 7th October 2023, 03:48 pm

According to the last Sparky 6.0 release, and created new testing repository for Sparky 7 (next stable), there are 2 separated scripts which lets you upgrade your Sparky installation:
* from Sparky 5 (oldstable) to 6 (stable)
* from Sparky 6 (stable) to 7 (testing)

1. It is provided as it is, means no guarantee that will be working with no problems, you are using it on your own risk!
2. Backup your personal files before starting.
3. Dependencies (should be already installed): apt bash coreutils dialog dpkg grep iputils-ping sparky-info sudo

Upgrading Sparky 5 to 6:
Get it:
Make it executable:
chmod +x sparky-dist-upgrade56
Run it:
sudo ./sparky-dist-upgrade56

Upgrading Sparky 6 to 7:
Get it:
Make it executable:
chmod +x sparky-dist-upgrade67
Run it:
sudo ./sparky-dist-upgrade67


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