Sparky 4.10

Last Updated on: 7th October 2023, 03:28 pm

New live/install images of SparkyLinux 4.10 “Tyche” are available to download.
Sparky 4 is based on Debian stable line of “Stretch”.

Sparky 4.10 offers a fully featured operating system with a lightweight LXDE desktop environment; and minimal images of MinimalGUI (Openbox) and MinimalCLI (text mode) which lets you install the base system with a desktop of your choice with a minimal set of applications, via the Sparky Advanced Installer.

Sparky 4.10 armhf offers a fully featured operating system for single board mini computers RaspberryPi; with the Openbox window manager as default; and a minimal, text mode CLI image to customize it as you like.

No big changes, new images feature security updates and small improvements, such as:
– full system upgrade from Debian stable Stretch repos as of May 2, 2019
– Linux kernel 4.9.168 (PC)
– Linux kernel 4.14.98 (ARM)

There is no need to reinstall existing Sparky installations of 4.x line, simply make full system upgrade. Make sure you have ‘sparky-apt’ & ‘sparky4-apt’ packages installed, before performing the full upgrade.

Sparky PC:
user: live
password: live
root password is empty

Sparky ARM:
user: pi
password: sparky
root password: toor

New iso/zip images of the stable edition can be downloaded from the download/stable page.

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