Sparky 2024.12

This is an unplanned December update of Sparky semi-rolling iso images of the Debian testing line, which mainly provides a fix of the Sparky repo GPG key issue.

The issue doesn’t let you use the Sparky repos until you fix it manually:
The issue happened in Sparky semi-rolling/testing (8) ONLY.
Sparky stable 7 and oldstable 6 is fine.

Sparky Special Editions: GameOver, Multimedia and Rescue have been updated too.

All packages have been upgraded from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of December 5, 2024.
The live iso images work on Linux kernel 6.11.10.

The live user password: live
root password is empty.

If you fixed the issue manually, simply keep Sparky up to date, no need to reinstall it.

Get new semi-rolling iso images from: /download/rolling/ page.

Know issues:
– Welcome window is blank on some machines, it has to be updated.

1 thought on “Sparky 2024.12”

  1. Nie planowane, a chciaż można w końcu zobaczyć jak wygląda i działa Plasma 6 z Wayland w Sparky 😀


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