Sparky 2021.09

Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 12:34 pm

Sparky 2021.09 of the (semi-)rolling line is out; it is based on Debian testing “Bookworm”.

– repositories set to Debian “Bookworm” and Sparky “Orion Belt”
– all packages updated as of September 17, 2021
– new backgrounds: desktop, login manager, plymouth & boot screen, etc.
– Linux kernel 5.10.46 (5.14.6 & 5.15-rc1 in Sparky unstable repos)
– GCC 10 still as default, but GCC 11 is also installed
– no more Sparky Advanced Installed GUI; the Advanced installer works in text mode only now; the first window lets you choose the standard version of the installer or DEV version with disk encryption and LVM support;
– ‘sparky-upgrade’ text based tool is also preinstalled in CLI iso
– packages removed from iso: mc, gparted
– new package installed: lfm
– Calamares 3.2.43

No system reinstallation is required, if you installed Sparky using 2019.x, 2020.x, 2021.x or 6.0 iso image. If you would like to keep Sparky rolling, change Debian repos to ‘bookworm’ and Sparky repos to ‘orion’:
and make full system upgrade:

New iso images of Sparky semi-rolling can be downloaded from the download/rolling page

Many thanks to all community members for supporting and helping Sparky project.

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