Openbox Menu Generator

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 07:44 pm

I’ve been playing with the – obmenu-generator for a while to have a look into that.

The menu looks and works great, so I decided to move it to Sparky’s Openbox Editon instead of the standard Debian menu.
It gives options to build a static or dynamical menu, with or without icons.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install obmenu-generator

It needs ‘sparky-editor’ package, version => 0.1.7.

Installation of the ‘obmenu-generator’ package will install all needed dependencies, and will set the new menu automatically. The older menu will be moved from the file:
to the backup file:
if you’d like to restore the older menu back.

It also set the static menu with icons as default.
It can be changed via the pipe menu after installation as you wish.

8 thoughts on “Openbox Menu Generator”

  1. After upgrading from 5 to 6 and also from 6 to 7 the menu have been changed to default Debian (?) menu with missing most of the entries.
    E: Package ‘obmenu-generator’ has no installation candidate

    After digging this topic, installed jgmenu and replaced root-menu to jgmenu_run in openbox’s rc.xml
    It started working somewhat like before with the next downsides:
    – Missing Exit (Restart, Power off etc) button in the main window
    – Appears always in top left position disregard mouse/window location
    – Under Settings has a dozen of screensavers without icons which should not be there at all

  2. Hi Pavroo,

    I have tried this from both rolling minimal and stable minimal editions of SparkyLinux (installed to hard-drive), with the same result:

    “Package obmenu-generator has no available version, but exists in the database.
    This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list”.

    I even tried installing the latest .deb (0.91-1) via gdebi, to no avail.

    Perhaps there is a dependency problem with the package itself.

    I have had no problems with any other package.

    Best regards.

    • Hi Pete, sorry but I dont build obmenu-generator any more, it is available for Sparky oldstable 5 only.
      Sparky 6 and newer use jgmenu instead.

      • Hi Pavroo,

        Problem solved.

        My guess is that obmenu-generator has become relatively obsolete, because other Debian-based Openbox distros are using jgmenu, which works just as well.

        Best regards

  3. Trying to install via git does not work either: “Cloning into ‘obmenu-generator’ […] no such file or directory.

    Does this work only with SparkyLinux?

  4. Djenke, Pavroo,

    I’ll try that, and go the git way if it doesn’t work.

    I’m running a vanilla Debian with Sparky repository added.

    Thank you for the great work you do, Especially ArchiveOS.

  5. “Package obmenu-generator has no available version, but exists in the database.
    This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list”


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