Linux kernel RC

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 11:50 pm

Due to a few requests of adding the latest RC Linux kernel to the repos, I decided to do so.

The first version of Linux kernel of the RC line – 4.18-rc1 just landed in Sparky “unstable” repository. It is available for amd64 CPUs only.


1. The Sparky’s Linux kernel RC is available in Sparky “unstable” repository, so enable it:

2. There is not a sparky’s kernel meta package so install the right package:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install linux-image-VERSION-sparky-amd64

Headers are there, if you’d like too:
sudo apt install linux-headers-VERSION-sparky-amd64
where the “VERSION” is (depends of the kernel version) now:
Then reboot your machine to take effects.

Make sure it is NOT stable version.
Install it if you would like to test the latest build, or your machine needs the latest drivers, or you like walking on the edge 🙂

To quick remove older version of the Linux kernel, simply run APTus-> Remove-> Uninstall Old Kernel tool.

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