
Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:24 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: LazPaint

What is LazPaint?

Free cross-platform image editor, like PaintBrush or Paint.Net, written in Lazarus (Free Pascal). Uses BGRABitmap library. Can read layered files (lzp, ora, pdn, oXo), multi-images (gif, ico, tiff), flat files (bmp, jpeg, pcx, png, tga, xpm, xwd), vectorial (svg), 3D (obj). Has drawing tools, phong shading, curve adjustments, filters and render some textures.
LazPaint was started to demonstrate the capabilities of the graphic library BGRABitmap. It provides advanced drawing functions in Lazarus development environment. Both provided a source of inspiration for the other and finally LazPaint became real image editor. Thanks to the help of Lazarus community, the program has been compiled on Windows, Linux and macOS.

Installation (Sparky stable & testing amd64 & i386):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install lazpaint

or via APTus-> Graphics-> LazPaint icon.

Copyright (C) circular
License: GNU GPL v3


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