ISO MinimalGUI i686

There is iso image of Sparky 7.0 MinimalGUI i686 available to download.

As you know, Sparky 7 still supports i686 architecture (32 bit), but I created only MinimalCLI (text mode) i686 iso image before.
But… I didn’t expect it is still popular and in use, maybe not so popular as amd64, but still is.

So, updated MinimalGUI virtual machine and created and uploaded a new i686 iso.

No reinstallation is required if you have Sparky 6.x installed, simply keep it up to date, or following our Wiki page, upgrade it to version 7.

Download a new iso from /download/stable/ page.

4 thoughts on “ISO MinimalGUI i686”

  1. Thank you very much for continuing to maintain the 32-bit version. Sparkylinux is an excellent distribution and on my old computer with only 2GB RAM it runs very well. Please, don’t abandon it, there are too match computers with 32 bits architecture, more than you can imagine. Nowadays, the number of people with few resources, for whom it’s very difficult to acquire a modern computer, tends to increase.

  2. Hello

    As long as Debian allows 32 bits, you should stick to it, I think…

    I would like a 32 bits edition for my very old laptop,
    but since it is has got low RAM, I would like to run it, using a Sparky RESCUE Edition with minimum hardwear requirement,.

    Then if you could also add WINE 8.0 + GTKHASH on both 32 bits and 64 bits RESCUE Edition, it would be very very nice

    Thanks a lot

  3. hi there..
    im a new user switching from linux lite, i like sparkylinux more

    i think you should still support i686 architecture (32 bit), many old pc can be reused
    maybe you can created Sparky 7.0 32bit iso with lxqt & xfce since both of them is more lightweight compared to mate & kde


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