Custom ISO Builder 0.1.0

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:29 pm

It’s summer time in Poland now, but it does not mean that we are lying on the beach.
New application called ‘Custom ISO Builder’ version 0.1.0 is out.

The app can:
– rebuild an existing ISO image
– full customize ISO image and build a new one.

The application works with SparkyLinux up to 3.4 iso images and other Live Linux distributions based on Debian GNU/Linux.

Custom ISO Builder is targeted to people who want to rebuild SparkyLinux, equip it with other tools, change the desktop environment, etc. and release a community version of SparkyLinux.

Custom ISO Builder is in development stage so be careful playing with that.
The application can be installed from SparkyLinux repository.

As soon as possible I will make a quick HowTo to show how the app works.
Bugs, suggestions and other things can be reported on Sparky forums:

1 thought on “Custom ISO Builder 0.1.0”

  1. Awesome.

    I think there is some Linux distro which can build currently installed OS into iso image.

    Hope this does this and more.



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