10 years of SparkyLinux!

Last Updated on: 30th December 2022, 10:18 pm

Exactly 10 years ago, in October 2011, we started a work with a new Linux distribution, and on November 4, 2011 the first beta of our system released.

A bit of history:

Initially, our project began to live under the name ue17r as Ubuntu Enlightenment17 Remix and was a modification of Xubuntu Linux, from which the standard desktop was removed and replaced by Enlightenment 17.
More details on the website (in Polish only): https://linuxiarze.pl/ue17r-b1/

After community voting, on January 15, 2012 ue17r renamed to SparkyLinux.
Details on the website (in Polish only): https://linuxiarze.pl/konkurs-ue17r-koniec/

That’s how it comes.

SparkyLinux is currently based on Debian and had over 30 major releases, not including the beta and rc releases.
About releases on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SparkyLinux

SparkyLinux enjoys a lot of interest and is appreciated all around the world, as evidenced by positive comments from satisfied users.

So, if you like and use SparkyLinux – please support the project and our work.


There are our archived versions of ue17r beta3 and SparkyLinux 1.0 available on ArchiveOS.org so you can check and see how the project looked 10 years ago. Keep in mind that this is a prototype and not everything may work properly.

Thank you for being with us and supporting our open-source projects – we hope it will be continued for many more years!

Aneta & Paweł

Informacja w języku polskim: https://linuxiarze.pl/10-lat-sparkylinux/

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