Sparky 7.2

Sparky 7.2 “Orion Belt” is out. It is a quarterly updated point release of Sparky 7 “Orion Belt” of the stable line. Sparky 7 is based on and fully compatible with Debian 12 “Bookworm”. Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 … Read more

Sparky 7.0.1

There is an update of Sparky ISO images of the stable line 7.0.1 out there. This is a minor update, it mainly fixed an issue of the live config, which did not let you launch password reqiured application without password in live session, such as: Calamares, APTus, GParted, Gufw, etc. Now, the apps don’t need … Read more

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