Sparky-remsu 0.2.0 beta1

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 11:54 am

Call for testing: a new, testing version of sparky-remsu 0.2.0-beta1 package.

The ‘sparky-remsu’ tool provides a centralizied mechanism which gives root/sudo privileges to all Sparky tools which need it.

The tool was using before: gksu, lxqt-sudo; and before, before: gksudo and kdesudo.

To make it more flexible, depends of many different desktops and its own mechanism, I changed the remsu to be using just ‘pkexec’ tool on all desktops.

Before installing it, make full system upgrade (some sparky tools been re-built as well):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Then change pinning:
sudo nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/sparky
changing sparky unstable pin from 500 to 1001:
Package: *
Pin: release o=SparkyLinux,a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 500

Then refresh package list and install the beta version of ‘sparky-remsu’ (make sure you have Sparky ‘unstable’ repository enabled):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sparky-remsu

This is a list of 33 Sparky tools which use ‘sparky-remsu’ as default: sparky-aptus, sparky-aptus-extra, sparky-aptus-gamer, sparky-aptus-upgrade, sparky-backup-core, sparky-backup-desktop, sparky-backup-sys, sparky-bootset, sparky-ca, sparky-center-lxde, sparky-chrooter, sparky-codecs, sparky-conkeyset, custom-iso-builder, deb-package-builder, sparky-desktop, sparky-eraser, sparky-firstrun, sparky-fontset, sparky-keyboard, lightscribe-installer, sparky-live-usb-creator, sparky-locales, sparky-officeoffice, sparky-passwdchange, sparky-skype-installer, teamspeak-installer, teamviewer-installer, sparky-timedateset, sparky-usb-forrmatter, sparky-users, vmplayer-installer, sparky-webbrowser-installer

If a listed tool doesn’t start with your password (or root, but should use your, due to Sparky use sudo as default), simply let me know that, please.

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