Sparky Eraser & TrueCrypt

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:29 pm

We have two new packages in the repository, both of them for security fans:

1. TrueCrypt – I don’t have to introduce it – it’s a source-available freeware application used for on-the-fly disks and partitions encryption.

Use Synaptic, Sparky APTus or the command line to install it:
apt-get update
apt-get install truecrypt

2. Sparky Eraser is the second applications.

What is Sparky Eraser and what does it do?
Sparky Eraser is a simply graphical interface for ‘shred’ and ‘wipe’ tools.
Shred can permanently erases files, Wipe erases folders and its directory tree.
Deleted files and folders by Sparky Eraser can’t be recovered easily.
How does the Eraser work?
Eraser GUI has two options to choose:
– File – erases a file
– Directory – erases a folder with everything stored inside.

Confirm erasing after choosing a file or a directory.

All the work will be done by the script.

Eraser can be installed from Sparky repository:
apt-get update
apt-get install sparky-eraser

More information about ‘shred’ and ‘wipe’ can be found on the man pages:
man wipe
man shred

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