Sparky Conky Manager 0.1.6

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:29 pm

Sparky Conky Manger 0.1.6 is out.
It provides a few small bugs fixing and a new feature: Color changer.

It lets you change the default Conky color via just two clicks.
Colors available: black, blue, gray, green, red, white, yellow.

To get the new conky look you have to update it up to 0.1.6 and reload the Sparky’s Conky configuration file. Then choose your color.

If Conky will not start after choosing a new color, get back to the main menu and start it.

Conky Blue  Conky Gray  Conky Green  Conky Red


Conky White  Conky Yellow  Conky Black

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