
Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:24 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Nyxt

What is Nyxt?

Nyxt is a keyboard-oriented, extensible web-browser designed for power users. Conceptually inspired by Emacs and Vim, it has familiar key-bindings (Emacs, vi, CUA), is fully configurable and extensible in Lisp, and has powerful features for productivity.
Nyxt supports GNU/Linux, macOS, and Guix with engine support for WebKit and WebEngine/Blink.
Attention: Nyxt is under active development. Feel free to report bugs, instabilities or feature wishes.

– Fast tab switching – Switch easily between your open tabs via fuzzy search.
– Multiple selection – Commands can accept multiple inputs, allowing you to quickly perform an operation against multiple objects. In the example below we search for penguins, and only open up links that have the text “animal” within them.
– Powerful bookmarks – Bookmark a page with tags. Search bookmarks with compound queries. Capture more data about your bookmarks, and group and wrangle them in any way you like.
– Multi tab search – Search multiple tabs at the same time, and view all the results in a single window. Jump quickly through your open tabs to find what you need.
– History as a tree – History is represented as a tree that you can traverse. Smarter than the “forwards-backwards” abstraction found in other browsers, the tree makes sure you never lose track of where you’ve been.

Installation (Sparky stable & testing amd64 & i386):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install next

or via APTus-> Web Browsers-> Next icon.

Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Atlas Engineer LLC.
License: BSD 3-Clause License & CC BY-SA
Web: github.com/atlas-engineer/nyxt


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