Linux kernel 4.15.0 updated

Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 11:52 pm

There is an update of Linux kernel of the 4.15.0 – 4.15.0-2 available in Sparky repos.

The latest kernel has been rebuilt with GCC 7.3 to fix (as much as possible) the Spectre issue (v2 now).

The Sparky’s Linux kernel is available in Sparky “unstable” repository, so enabled it to upgrade (if you have older version already installed) or to make fresh installation:

Follow the Wiki page: to install the latest Sparky’s Linux kernel.

It requires reboot to take effects.

How to check your present Linux kernel of the Meltdown and Spectre issues?
1. Install ‘spectre-meltdown-checker’ package from Debian’s repository:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install spectre-meltdown-checker

and run it:
sudo spectre-meltdown-checker
This is a screenshot of the checker from my Sparky 5 / Debian testing “Buster” amd64 laptop.

So it means we are one more step ahead 🙂

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