
Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 01:02 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: DeepL-Linux

What is DeepL-Linux?

DeepL integration for Linux. Select text in any application and simply press Ctrl+C and another shortcut to translate it. The client for deepl in Linux uses webview.

Installation (Sparky 5 & 6, amd64 & i386):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install deepl-linux

Add system shortcut:
* add this command:
And set this command with a shortcut, for example: Ctrl-Alt-D

Use it:
Select text in any application, press Ctrl+c to copy selected content into clipboard, then press the shortcut you just defined for

Author: kumakichi
License: ?


2 thoughts on “DeepL-Linux”

    • Myep. Doesn’t work for me, either. ️ I guess I’ll probably use the Windows version under Wine, or something.


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