Custom ISO Builder HowTo part 1

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 02:07 pm

Custom ISO Builder Part 1 – Rebuilding
Custom ISO Builder Part 2 – Building a new remix

Custom ISO Builder is a tool which lets you rebuild an existing iso image and build new, personalized iso image on the top of en existing one.

The application is designed to work with SparkyLinux iso images, but it’s compatible with others live Linux distributions based on Debian GNU/Linux.

The application has simply structure (like all my “babies”) and it’s based on Yad (yet another dialog).
It’s rather “semi-automated” then “fully-automated” tool and requires a little bit of knowledge about operations to be done.
It means it doesn’t let you use your mouse only and do clik, clik, clik 🙂

But I think it should not be too difficult for anybody and this short tutorial will show you all important things.

The part 1 is about rebuilding an existing iso image.

1. Choose “Rebuild” option to start it.

Main window

2. Next “Unpack ISO” to unpack an iso image.


3. Now you have to choose a directory which will be used for all operations.
Remember to choose the same directory for every next operation.


4. You can create a new folder.
Remember to use separated subfolders for every next iso image you’d like to work with.

Working dir

5. Choose an iso image to be unpacked.

ISO image

6. Wait until the iso image will be unpacked. Depends on your computer power and the iso image size, the process can take between 10 – 60 seconds.

Unpacking iso image

7. Now you can edit all the files located on the iso image using Midnight Commander file manager – the option “Files”.
Remember to choose the same directory for every operation you chosen on the beginning.

Working dir

Midnight Commander

8. The next function “Edit” lets you edit two options of the iso image:
– CUSTOMISO=”your-new-name.iso”


9. After finishing all preparations you can start rebuilding process using “Rebuild” option.

Building iso

10. If everything went well, your rebuilt iso image and new md5sum files will be stored in your working directory.

New iso image

This job lets rebuild an iso image without touching its live system’s files structure.
It’s helpful in a case of an iso image booting problem for example.
Rebuilding booting options or the bootloader can solve some of the problems.

In the second part of the guide I will show you how to fully rebuild and personalize an iso image to make new, remixed iso image based on SparkyLinux.

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