
Last Updated on: 19th September 2023, 10:25 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Browsh

What is Browsh?

Browsh is a fully interactive, real-time, and modern text-based browser rendered to TTYs and browsers… …Browsh is different in that it’s backed by a real browser, namely headless Firefox, to create a purely text-based version of web pages and web apps. These can be easily rendered in a terminal or indeed, ironically, in another browser. Do note that currently the browser client doesn’t have feature parity with the terminal client.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install browsh

or via APTus-> Web browsers-> Browsh icon.

Launch the browser in a terminal/terminal emulator via the command:


or via menu-> Network-> Browsh Browser.

Author: Thomas Buckley-Houston
License: GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


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