SparkyLinux 2.0.1 “GameOver”

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 12:06 pm

No, it’s not the end of the project.
It’s brand new release.
This idea was waiting at my Tomboy for the whole, round year 🙂
Finally I got back to work for it and after 3 weeks about it’s ready to go.

SparkyLinux 2.0.1 ‘GameOver’ is a special Christmas/New Year edition of 2012.
It has been built on last release of SparkyLinux 2.0 ‘Eris’ and it’s designed for games players.
Many applications have been removed from the system and replaced by games.
The main system is based on Debian testing ‘Wheezy’ and has LXDE as the default desktop.
All packages has been synchronized with Debian testing repos of 12/12/2012.

What’s under the hood:
– Linux kernel 3.2
– Iceweasel, VLC, Leafpad, Pidgin, Transmission, XChat and a few really important apps
– Flash, Java, multimedia codecs, VLC plugin for Iceweasel
– Desura for Linux
– Steam beta for Linux
– Wine & PlayOnLinux
– Set of games: 0ad, 3dchess, airstrike, aisleroit, alienblaster, amphetamine, antigravitaattori, armagetron, asciijump, asylum, atomix, balazar3, balazarbrothers, balder2d, barrage, battleball, berusky, billard-gl, biniax2, blobandconquer, bloboats, boswars, brutalchess, btanks, bygfoot, extreme tux racer, flightgear, foobillard, freecraft, freedroid, frozen-bubble, glchess, glines, gnect, gnibbles, gnobots2, gnome-hearts, gnome-sudoku, gnomine, gnotravex, gnotski, gnubik, gnugo, gsoko, gtali, gtkatlantic, gtkpool, gunroar, holdingnuts, lango, lightsoff, liquidwar, lincity, lordsawar, maelstorm, mahjongg, megaglest, mokomaze, monsterz, moon-buggy, moon-lander, netmaze, netpanzer, neverputt, open arena, pacman, performous, quadrapassel, scorched3d, slimevolley, snake4, snowballz, super tux, super tux kart, swell-foop, tennix, transcend, trigger-rally, trophy, warzone2100, wesnoth, xmoto, zaz.

If Steam will not want to start by the bottom launchbar icon, try launch it as root from Menu-> Games-> Steam as root.

SparkyLinux ‘GameOver’ is available as a large DVD media of 3.9GB.
For hard drive installation you need minimum 15 – 20 GB of free space (30 GB recommended).
CPU i386 minimum or newer.
Minimum, recommended RAM memory is 512MB – bigger, better.
SWAP partition 512 – 1024MB.

Live system’s user: live
Password: live
Root password is blank.

ISO images of SparkyLinux can be downloaded from our download page.

Merry Christmas and happy playing from
Aneta & Paweł

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  1. Pingback: New Linux Brings Spark to Debian | PHP World

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