

Why Sparky?
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system.

Sparky is a fast, lightweight and fully customizable operating system which offers several versions for different use cases, such as:

* a fully featured standard desktop version with a lightweight desktop environment. It works out of the box on almost any hardware and delivers a curated selection of software for home users.
* the frugal MinimalGUI version with the Openbox window manager. It contains only the bare necessities and is intended for users who want full flexibility when creating their own desktop, using only the packages they desire.
* the even more frugal MinimalCLI version without a graphical desktop. For advanced users who want to create their own desktop from the ground up or don’t need a GUI.
* Three special versions:
– GameOver for computer gaming
– Multimedia for audio and video enthusiasts and/or web-developers
– Rescue, a system rescue toolbox (uses Openbox as a window manager)

Sparky supports about 20 desktop environments and window managers giving you freedom of choice, having in mind that your computer is made for working, having fun, entertainment, keeping in touch with friends, and many, many other things.

Sparky “stable flavor” is the best choice to change your existing, other operating system and try a GNU/Linux distribution without need of installation and changing your computer partition table.

Sparky “rolling (testing) flavor” is targeted to more advanced users, whose don’t afraid of a little less stable version of applications, and want to work with/on latest version of offered the software.

If you like Sparky, simply install it side to side or over your present OS.

Main features of Sparky
– Debian based
– stable or (semi-)rolling release
– lightweight, fast & simple
– your favorite desktops to choose
– special editions: GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue
– CLI Edition (no X) for building customized desktop
– most wireless and mobile network cards supported
– set of selected applications, multimedia codecs and plugins
– own repository with a large set of additional applications
– easy hard drive / USB installation

In general, Sparky is not targeted to Linux beginners, rather to users with some amount of Linux knowledge.
Anyway, the Linux beginners are welcome too – our forums is open for any question.

Is Sparky free?
Yes, Sparky was, is and always will be free of charge for end users.
Simply grab Sparky iso image, burn it to a blank CD/DVD disk or copy to a flash USB disk and use it to launch your computer.

Does Sparky need your support?
Yes, we don’t sell Sparky, so we don’t earn money.
Your support, tip, donation can keep Sparky alive.


57 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi there
    Did You think about systemd-free version? I guess, this feature would help Sparky to gain much more popularity.
    Please, think about it.


  2. Thanks for creating this GNU/Linux distribution, Pawel.
    I really enjoy how this project improves Debian, with simple scripts that help to use less the terminal.
    Also, the XFCE version is beautiful, also the operative system only have the necessary to operative without bloatware.
    The really plus of the Sparky Linux has a lot of program in their repositories. It’s a plus, because it reduces the necessity to install Flatkap, snap or appimage.
    I really enjoy Sparky Linux and use as my main operative system. I try to donate in dollars every moth.
    For the moment I only use the stable version, but in the future may use the “Game Over” edition.
    Thanks for create Sparky Linux and improve Debian!!!.

    Greetings from El Salvador.

  3. I recently acquired a 32 bit 20 year old IBM Thinkpad with 1.5 GB RAM. Not many ditros are supporting 32 bit any longer; it was nice to see that Sparky does. It comes in a bit heavier than I like at 400 MB RAM t idle + wifi, but I have noticed almost ll 32 bit distros based on Debian, except antiX, are oddly heavier than their 64 bit counterpart for some reason.

    Sparky’s MinimalGUI distro is a wonderful distribution for those who do not like bloat. It is a beautiful, responsive, well appointed setup out of box. A huge thumbs up from me, now a Sparky fan.

  4. We’ve been using Sparky Linux at our dental clinic for several years and we really appreciate the stability of the system and the ease of upgrades with the rolling release. Never needing to reinstall the whole system is a real timesaver and we never had a problem in several years that required reinstalling the whole system, highly recommended

  5. As a LONG TIME arch user I found myself, for various reasons, wanting to find yet another rolling release. That has always been difficult for me because I grew so attached to the AUR for various not so main stream apps that I use a lot. So I finally took the plunge, did some research, and here I am… using sparky and actually enjoying it. My ‘fav’ apps are either available or replaced with something else and I’m actually not fighting it very much. 🙂 I’d like to recommend to the dev team to take a look at the dk window manager. Works great in sparky and I’d call it very nubbie friendly.

    • Adding wine on top of Debian is relatively easy, but why not using gameover edition in such case?

  6. Which version of Debian is the current version of sparky based off of? I can find the Linux kernel version but not the Debian basis… sorry if I’m just overlooking it…

    • depends which version you orginally downloaded and install.
      Look at the Spark WIKI and navigate to SparkyLinux code names
      Sparky 8 “The Seven Sisters” (based on Debian 13 “Trixie”)
      Sparky 7 “Orion Belt” (based on Debian 12 “Bookworm”)
      Sparky 6 “Po Tolo” (based on Debian 11 “Bullseye”)
      Sparky 5 “Nibiru” (based on Debian 10 “Buster”) reaching EOL
      Sparky 4 “Tyche” (based on Debian 9 “Stretch”) already EOL

  7. sparky is the best linux distro I’ve come across. It is rock stable, has everything that I need and just works. I’ve done my fair share of distro-hopping and I’ve now finally settled. Thanks for making Sparky!

  8. I’ve had Sparky a LONG time— I can totally reload everything if needed- QUICKLY– in about 2 hours to complete configuration etc. NoW that we have the ability to take a snapshot and turn that into an ISO– complete with my settings, etc.– it’s VERY fast to reload– in case I change hardware or have some issue.
    Iv’e distro-hopped- for a long time and ALWAYS come back to Sparky– and NOW it’s my daily and will rEMAIN so– I always end up configuing everything else to look and act as much like it as I can anyway- so why bother– just use the REAL THING!!
    I LOVE SPARKY– and I”M HOME!!!! DEBIAN- EXTREMELY FAST- Simple- KDE gorgeous– WHAT MORE CAN I WANT– oh- and flatpak perfect!!!


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