

There is a new package available for Sparkers: Kvantum. What is Kvantum? Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5 and KDE, i.e. a program for styling Qt applications with SVG images, with an emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality. Kvantum comes with a default dark theme, inspired by the default theme of Enlightenment. Creation … Read more

QT 5.7.0 doesn’t support GTK theming


The QT 5.7.0 doesn’t support GTK theming, so after upgrade Qt related packages, the Qt based applications look… not really nice on GTK based desktops. How to fix it: sudo apt update sudo apt install qt5-style-plugins Then: sudo nano /etc/environment and past into the file: QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 then: sudo reboot That’s all. The first screen shows … Read more

Extra 0.0.1


There is a new, small application available in Sparky repos, for Enlightenment lovers: Extra 0.0.1. Extra is a app which allows you to install elementary themes on your computer. The app is based on elementary and uses efl libraries to download the theme. It does so by fetching themes from extra.enlightenment.org. Installation: sudo apt-get update … Read more

Eflete 0.6.1


There is a new tool from the “e” group targeted to the Enlightenment users and developers, available in the Sparky repository now: Eflete. EFL Edje Theme Editor (eflete) is a EFL theme editor with some convenient functions. Eflete oriented towards theme editor and UI design, and not GUI over the edc syntax. Installation: sudo apt-get … Read more

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